Medusa is één van de meest herkenbare figuren uit de Griekse mythologie. Iedereen herkent haar aan het slangenhaar en de kracht om iedereen die haar aankijkt in steen te veranderen.
Medusa als slachtoffer
Het vreemde aan het ganse verhaal over Medusa is het feit dat iedereen, ook vandaag nog steeds aanziet als een monster, en niet als een slachtoffer. Want laat ons de realiteit van het verhaal even tot ons nemen en inzien dat deze in eerste instantie zeer aantrekkelijke dame verkracht werd door Poseidon. Dat dit gebeurde in een tempel gewijd aan Anthenaea zorgde voor de woede van de godin, die Medusa vervloekte tot het monster zoals we ze vandaag kennen.
Far more dangerous than Medusa could ever be.
𝗦𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗼 Sadly for those wanting to learn more about the backstory of Medusa’s sisters, Stheno and Euryale—sadly, there isn’t a whole lot that we know about them.
Stheno, for the most part, is considered to be the eldest of the three sisters, with her name meaning strong and forceful.Curiously, in many Greek myths Medusa is described as being mortal, while her two sister Stheno and Euryale were immortal.It is Medusa’s mortality that allows her to be destroyed by Perseus on his near-impossible quest set by King Polydectes.
Stheno, in particular was said to be the deadliest of the three, killing more men alone than the other two sisters combined.
She’s described as having red snakes that sit atop her head, which is the only rule defining characteristic that sets her apart in terms of appearance from her sisters.
Where the Gorgons lived was a closely guarded secret kept by the Gorgon’s three weird sisters the Graeae. Ancient writers described various different locations for this mystical, dangerous location that would only be stumbled upon by unwitting travelers. Some have said Tithrasos in Libya, while others wrote of their home in an island group known as the Gorgades in the Aethiopian Sea. Once Perseus had found their location, however, and destroyed Medusa, some accounts of their tale suggest they moved to the Underworld to cause even more pain and misery to unsuspecting victims.
We don’t know much about the primal Gorgon, but the idea that Medusa and her sisters were not the first Gorgons to exist might not be something to overlook, I have actually read about other Gorgons existing before them (a few times).
More on the Gorgon sisters on our previous posts.