Appel Plantlore



De twistappel




Wassailing the apple trees in the west country in 1927 , in this is a capture of something that goes back into antiquity .

Wassailing apple trees is a rural ritual and in modern times usually happens on January 6 or whats known as 12th night.

First documented in Britain at Fordwich, Kent, in 1585, by which time groups of young men would go between orchards performing the rite for a reward. The practice was sometimes referred to as "howling". On Twelfth Night, men would go with their wassail bowl into the orchard and go about the trees. Slices of bread or toast were laid at the roots and sometimes tied to branches. Cider was also poured over the tree roots. The ceremony is said to "bless" the trees to produce a good crop in the forthcoming season. Truth is that the Apple and Pear have been deeply connected to both continental and insular Celtic peoples that this is just an interrupted cultural ritual going back into prehistory . Although connected to Celtic peoples, it seems to be pretty much a mainstay amongst the Brythonic peoples of the Celtic world both in Britain and in Britany . Both areas today still have a strong presence of the apple and the production and love for hard apple cider.

One thing to understand about the apple is to understand the peoples who’s life depended on it . As a owner of an apple orchard it is your main source of income , a large portion of your food base , a source of food for your animals , and a source of alcohol . Wealth came into your household from your trade with the apples . Apple tree man is just one of many orchard based spirits who’s origin goes back into pre Christian times . Your trees were alive after all and you willfully placated the spirits to keep that bounty flowing . Especially in good years , one can’t ignore the wanting to thank your orchard for bringing forth a bounty .The coming of Christianity and of period invasions changed very little in this as this desire to celebrate this fruit is intrinsic and inalienable to the people themselves.These traditions and the local songs that are banned from them showcase these deeply localized traditions that spanned the centuries even unto today . Many of these rituals amongst both continental and insular Celts probably took place around samhain and the winter solstice . The later holding true as the apple wasssil is connected to 12th night celebrations. Even after the calendar conversion from Julian to Gregorian happened In 1752, some diehard believers still follow the old calendar and wassail their trees on old 12th night which is January 17 , 11 days after the 12th night we hold today.. The Whimple wasssil in Devon is one of these and was only stopped during world war 2 only to be revived years later .

I personally follow multiple wassails and observe them all , never missing a chance to praise the land .

In truth there’s no difference between a Gaulish orchard keeper in Switzerland during the La Tene period , a Breton apple grower in the 6th century , a Cymric grower in the 15th century , these growers in this this video and me . Although some things may change, somethings will never change, and that is our inexhaustible connection to this remarkable fruit and why we celebrate it with a glass of alcoholic elixir made from it ! Here's to thee, old apple tree,That blossoms well, bears well.Hats full, caps full,Three bushel bags full,An' all under one tree.Hurrah! Hurra